Bernard Krauth 2012

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=Illustration= =Illustration=
-[[Image:Event stepped move.jpg|left|100px|border|thumb|Move of one particle in the Event-driven MC algorithm]] Event-driven Monte Carlo displacement for four particles interacting via the [ Tower-of-Hanoi potential]. Particle <math>i</math> moves from its initial configuration until its collision+[[Image:Event stepped move.jpg|left|100px|border|thumb|Move of one particle in the Event-driven MC algorithm]] Event-driven Monte Carlo displacement for four particles interacting via the [ Tower-of-Hanoi potential]. Particle ''i'' moves from its initial configuration until its collision
-event with particle <math>i′</math> (potential of Eq. (1) with <math>E = 1/4</math> and+event with particle ''i´'' (potential of Eq. (1) with ''E'' = 1/4 and
-<math>E = 3/4</math>). Only displacements at energy <math>E</math> are discounted+''E'' = 3/4). Only displacements at energy ''E'' are discounted
from ℓ. from ℓ.
<br clear="all" /> <br clear="all" />

Revision as of 06:26, 28 August 2016

E. P. Bernard, W. Krauth Addendum to Event-chain Monte Carlo algorithms for hard-sphere systems Phys. Rev. E 86, 017701 (2012)



Abstract: We extend the event-chain Monte Carlo algorithm from hard-sphere interactions to the micro- canonical ensemble (constant potential energy) for general potentials. This event-driven Monte Carlo algorithm is non-local, rejection-free, and allows for the breaking of detailed balance. The algorithm uses a discretized potential, but its running speed is asymptotically independent of the discretization. We implement the algorithm for the cut-off linear potential, and discuss its possible implementation directly in the continuum limit.

Electronic version (from arXiv)

Published version (subscription required)


In a subsequent 2014 paper in Journal of Chemical Physics, with Manon Michel and Sebastian Kapfer entitled Generalized event-chain Monte Carlo: Constructing rejection-free global-balance algorithms from infinitesimal steps, we presented an improved event-chain algorithm for continuous potentials that really works in the continuum, and does not require the restriction to the micro-canonical ensemble.


Move of one particle in the Event-driven MC algorithm
Event-driven Monte Carlo displacement for four particles interacting via the Tower-of-Hanoi potential. Particle i moves from its initial configuration until its collision

event with particle (potential of Eq. (1) with E = 1/4 and E = 3/4). Only displacements at energy E are discounted from ℓ.


Naive Python implementation

Here is a naive Python implementation of the event-driven Monte Carlo algorithm for the stepped Hanoi-tower potential. In this implementation, we first choose a particle (called "next_particle"), and translate the entire configuration such that next_particle comes to lie at (0,0). We then try to move it in the positive x direction, computing all the possible events on the line. Each event is characterized by the x position, the signature (=/- 1) and the particle responsible for it. Events are listed in list "next_events", then sorted. Going through this list we find the event which would move the energy beyond the current value.

## TYPE    : Python script (python 2.7)
## PURPOSE : Event-chain simulation for N particles with a stepped
##           potential in a square with periodic boundary conditions.
## COMMENT : L is a list of tuples
## VERSION : 29 Nov 2011
from random import uniform, randint, choice, seed
import math, pylab, sys, cPickle
Energy_check_iteration = 0
def translate(x,del_x):
   return x_trans
def dist(x,y):
   """periodic distance between two two-dimensional points x and y"""
   d_x= abs(x[0]-y[0])%box
   d_x = min(d_x,box-d_x)
   d_y= abs(x[1]-y[1])%box
   d_y = min(d_y,box-d_y)
   return  math.sqrt(d_x**2 + d_y**2)
def potential(r,k):
   """particles have a radius of interaction sigma = 1. The interaction passes
      in k steps from 1 (at r=1) to zero (at r=0). Conditions on interaction range
      and box size
             2 sigma < box
      assure that two particles interact only through one path."""
   if  r > sigma:
      pot = 0
      pot = k - int(r*k)
   return pot
def Energy_calc(L):
   """elementary calculation of the energy for the configuration in list L """
   for k in range(1,N):
      for l in range(k):
         Energy += potential(dist(L[k],L[l]),Nstep)
   return Energy
def x_image_calc(x_vec):
   """x_vec describes the position of a particle inside the box. This
   function computes the closest "image" of x_vec to the point (0,0). The
   conditions on the box size box, the interaction range sigma and the
   length of the interval l_max
                        l_max            < box/2.
                        l_max  + 2 sigma < box
   assure that the image position is closest to the entire interval [(0,0)
   x = x_vec[0]
   y = x_vec[1]
   if x < 0 or x > box or y < 0 or y > box: print 'error',sys.exit()
   if x < box/2: x_image = x
   else : x_image = x - box
   if y < box/2: y_image = y
   else: y_image = y-box
   return (x_image, y_image)
def x_intersection(x_vec,d):
   """compute intersections between the circle of radius d, with center x_vec, and the x-axis.
   We suppose that abs(x_vec[1]) < d, so that two such intersections exist."""
   del_x= math.sqrt(d**2 - x_vec[1]**2)
   return (x_vec[0]-del_x, x_vec[0]+del_x)
def Flip_conf(L,rot):
   for (a,b) in L:
      if rot == 1: L_flip.append((box - b,a))
      else: L_flip.append((b,box - a))
   return L_flip,-rot
def Energy_check(L,message_string):
   global Energy_check_iteration,Energy_level
   Energy_check_iteration += 1
   a= Energy_calc(L)
   if a == Energy_level:
      return  ('OK',a,Energy_check_iteration)
      return  ('Error',a,Energy_level,Energy_check_iteration)
#=========================== main program starts here =========================================
Event_eps=1.e-12 # disallow events within too close bounds.
Zero = 0.0
One = 1.0
box = 4.0
sigma = 1.0
N = 4
Nstep = 100
data = []
while True:
   L = [(uniform(0.,box),uniform(0.,box)) for k in range(N)]
   Energy_level_initial = Energy_calc(L)
   if Energy_level_initial == 90: break
Energy_level = Energy_level_initial
rot = 1
ltilde = 0.03
for iter in xrange(100000):
   L_save = L[:]
   if iter % 10000 ==0: print iter
   if randint(0,1) < 1: L,rot = Flip_conf(L,rot)
#  this iteration will be used up when the Zero_distance_to_go falls to zero
   Zero_distance_to_go = ltilde
   next_particle = choice(L)
   while Zero_distance_to_go > Zero:
      Total_distance_to_go = min(box/2,box/2-sigma)*.3971
      L = [translate(x,next_particle) for x in L]
      next_events = []
      Current_position = Zero
      for x in L:
         x_image = x_image_calc(x)
         for k in range(1,Nstep+1):
            distance = k/float(Nstep)
            if abs(x_image[1]) < distance:
               x_dummy = x_intersection(x_image,distance)
               if x_dummy[0] > Event_eps and x_dummy[0] < Total_distance_to_go:
               if x_dummy[1] > Event_eps and x_dummy[1] < Total_distance_to_go:
      next_events.append((float("inf"),0,(float("inf"),Zero))) # Final event, at infinity
      while min(Total_distance_to_go,Zero_distance_to_go) > Zero:
#        this single-particle loop leads to either:
#         1. A particle collision
#         2. Zero_distance_to_go = 0
#         3. Total_distance_to_go = 0
         next_position,next_energy_level,next_particle = next_events.pop()
         distance_to_next_event = next_position - Current_position
         if Energy_level < Energy_level_initial:
            if Total_distance_to_go < distance_to_next_event:
               Current_position += Total_distance_to_go
               next_particle = (Current_position,Zero)
            else: # go to event, but energy will not be too high: remain in loop of one particle...
               Current_position += distance_to_next_event
               Energy_level += next_energy_level
               Total_distance_to_go -= distance_to_next_event
         else: # Energy_level == Energy_level_intial
            min_dist= min(Total_distance_to_go, Zero_distance_to_go)
            if min_dist  < distance_to_next_event:
               Current_position += min_dist
               Total_distance_to_go -= min_dist
               Zero_distance_to_go -= min_dist
               next_particle = (Current_position,Zero)
               break  # we can break here, because either Tdtg or Zdtg are zero, but next particle is old one
#           We go to a new event.
               Current_position += distance_to_next_event
               Total_distance_to_go -= distance_to_next_event
               Zero_distance_to_go -= distance_to_next_event
               if next_energy_level < 0: # we went to event, but energy is not too high, remain in loop of one particle
                  Energy_level += next_energy_level
               else: # exit one-particle loop: use the next particle as given in the list... 
   if Energy_calc(L) != 90:
      L = L_save[:]
      print 'error at ', iter
pylab.title("Event_stepped ltilde= "+str(ltilde)+" N= "+str(N)+" Energy = "+str(Energy_level))

Comparison with direct-sampling algorithm

Here is, a completely trivial constant-energy direct-sampling algorithm for four particles in a periodic square box. In the below figure, we compare its integrated pair-correlation function with the one of the event-driven algorithm for k = 100 (delta_E = 0.01). Outputs are truly the same.

## TYPE    : Python script (python 2.7)
## PURPOSE : Direct sampling simulation for N particles with a stepped 
##           potential  in a square with periodic boundary conditions.
## COMMENT : L is a list of tuples
from random import uniform, randint
import math, pylab, cPickle
def dist(x,y):
   """periodic distance between two two-dimensional points x and y"""
   d_x= abs(x[0]-y[0])%box
   d_x = min(d_x,box-d_x)
   d_y= abs(x[1]-y[1])%box
   d_y = min(d_y,box-d_y)
   return  math.sqrt(d_x**2 + d_y**2)
def potential(r,k):
   """particles have a radius of interaction sigma = 1. The interaction passes
      in k steps from 1 (at r=1) to zero (at r=0). Conditions on interaction range
      and box size
             2 sigma < box
      assure that two particles interact only through one path."""
   if  r > sigma:
      pot = 0
      pot = k - int(r*k)
   return pot
def Energy_calc(L):
   """elementary calculation of the energy for the configuration in list L """
   Energy = 0
   for k in range(1,N):
      for l in range(k):
         Energy += potential(dist(L[k],L[l]),Nstep)
   return Energy
sigma= 1.0
Nstep = 100
Energy_hist = int(energy*Nstep+0.5)
for iter in xrange(1000000):
   L = [(uniform(0.,box),uniform(0.,box)) for k in range(N)]
   if Energy == Energy_hist: 
f = open('Direct_stepped'+str(Nstep)+'.data',"w")
pylab.title("Direct_stepped N= "+str(N)+", k = "+str(Nstep)+" Energy = "+str(Energy_hist/float(Nstep)))
Comparison of the Event-driven MC algorithm with a trivial direct-sampling
Here is a comparison, at energy 0.904 of the integrated pair distribution function between the Event-driven MC algorithm and the trivial direct-sampling method. There is no doubt that the distributions are the same.

Sophisticated Python implementation

As discussed in our paper, the event-drivent algorithm can be implemented for arbitrarily small values of <math>Delta_E</math> with a complexity <math>O(1)</math>. This means that the running time of the algorithm is independent of the discretization.

The below program implements the corresponding algorithm in basic Python. Running times were about 6 minutes, for a 100-step discretization just as for a million steps. A more detailed description of this program will be published shortly.

Comparison of the Event-driven MC algorithm with different discretizations
Here is a comparison, at energy 0.900 of the integrated pair distribution function between the Event-driven MC algorithm with different values of the discretization. Running times were roughly the same although the Hanoi potential was put together from 10^6 little plates.

## TYPE    : Python script (python 2.7)
## PURPOSE : Improved event-chain simulation for N particles with a stepped
##           potential in a square with periodic boundary conditions. The program
##           keeps track of the continuous energy, as well as of the discrete one.
##           Running speed is roughly independent of the parameter N_step, which 
##           governs the discretization of the potential
## COMMENT : L is a list of tuples
## VERSION : 08 Jan 2012
from random import uniform, randint, choice, seed
import math, pylab, sys, cPickle,scipy.optimize
def translate(L,a):
   """Translate configuration with respect to the vector a"""
   L_trans=[((b[0] - a[0])%box,((b[1] - a[1])%box)) for b in L]
   return L_trans
def dist(x,y):
   """periodic distance between two two-dimensional points x and y"""
   d_x= abs(x[0]-y[0])%box
   d_x = min(d_x,box-d_x)
   d_y= abs(x[1]-y[1])%box
   d_y = min(d_y,box-d_y)
   return  math.sqrt(d_x**2 + d_y**2)
def potential(r):
   """particles have a radius of interaction sigma = 1.
      The interaction passes in N_steps steps from 1 (at r=1) to zero (at r=0).
      Conditions on interaction range and box size
             2 sigma < box
      assure that two particles interact only through one path."""
   if  r > One:
      pot = 0
   elif continuous == False:
      pot = N_step - int(r*N_step)
      pot = One - r
   return pot
def Energy(x,L,E_zero):
   """energy of configuration L + [(x,Zero)], subtract zero energy"""
   E = - E_zero
   L_dummy = L + [(x,Zero)]
   for k in range(1,len(L_dummy)):
      for l in range(k):
         E +=  potential(dist(L_dummy[k],L_dummy[l]))
   return E
def deriv_potential(a,x):
   """derivative of the uncropped continuum potential, with respect
   to x."""
   return (a[0]-x)/dist(a,(x,Zero))
def Energy_deriv(x,L_part):
   """Derivative of the uncropped energy for particles in list L_part
   with respect to (x,Zero). L_part contains interacting particles only"""
   Deriv = 0
   for a in L_part:
      Deriv += deriv_potential(a,x)
   return Deriv
def x_image_calc(x_vec):
   """x_vec describes the position of a particle inside the box. This
   function computes the closest "image" of x_vec to the point (0,0). The
   conditions on the box size box, the interaction range sigma and the
   length of the interval l_max
                        l_max            < box/2.
                        l_max  + 2 sigma < box
   assure that the image position is closest to the entire interval [(0,0)
   x = x_vec[0]
   y = x_vec[1]
   if x < 0 or x > box or y < 0 or y > box: print 'error',sys.exit()
   if x < box/2: x_image = x
   else : x_image = x - box
   if y < box/2: y_image = y
   else: y_image = y-box
   return (x_image, y_image)
def x_intersection(x_vec,d):
   """compute intersections between the circle of radius d, with center x_vec, and the x-axis.
   We suppose that abs(x_vec[1]) < d, so that two such intersections exist."""
   del_x= math.sqrt(d**2 - x_vec[1]**2)
   return (x_vec[0]-del_x, x_vec[0]+del_x)
def Flip_conf(L,rot):
   for (a,b) in L:
      if rot == 1: L_flip.append((box - b,a))
      else: L_flip.append((b,box - a))
   return L_flip,-rot
def L_part_comp(x,L):
   """compute the partial list of particles \in L which contribute to the
   potential at (x,Zero)"""
   for a in L:
      if (dist(a,(x,Zero)) < One): L_part.append(x_image_calc(a))
   return L_part
def next_event_stepped(x,L):
   """Compute the next event, in the +x direction, for the configuration
   L+[(x,0)], using the stepped energy."""
   for a in L:
      b = x_image_calc(a)
      if abs(b[1]) < One:
         if b[0] > x: 
            dist_dummy = min(int((dist(b,(x,0)) - Event_eps)*N_step)/float(N_step),One)
            if dist_dummy < abs(b[1]): dist_dummy += 1./N_step
            dist_dummy = min(int((dist(b,(x,0.)) + Event_eps)*N_step+1)/float(N_step),One)
         a_dummy = x_intersection(b,dist_dummy)
         if a_dummy[0]%box > x: intersections.append((a_dummy[0]%box, 1,a))
         if a_dummy[1]%box > x: intersections.append((a_dummy[1]%box,-1,a))
   next_event = intersections.pop(0)
   return next_event
def next_event_continuous(L,Max_distance,E_zero):
   """Compute the next event, in the +x direction, for the configuration
   L+[(x=0,0)], using the continuous energy"""
   for a in L:
      b = x_image_calc(a)
      if abs(b[1]) < One:
         a_dummy = x_intersection(b,One)
         if a_dummy[0]%box < Max_distance: intersections.append(a_dummy[0]%box)
         if a_dummy[1]%box < Max_distance: intersections.append(a_dummy[1]%box)
   intervals = []
# here, we characterize the intervals with differentiable potent.
   lower_bound = intersections.pop(0)
   while intersections != []:
      upper_bound = intersections.pop(0)
# here we define the interval and the contributing particles,
      interval = [lower_bound,upper_bound]
      midpoint = (lower_bound + upper_bound)/Two
      lower_bound = upper_bound
      L_part = L_part_comp(midpoint,L)
   x_zero = Max_distance
   collision = False
   for obb in intervals:
      x_0 = obb[0][0]; x_1 = obb[0][1]
      E_0 = Energy(x_0,L,E_zero); E_1 = Energy(x_1,L,E_zero)
      E_deriv_0 = Energy_deriv(x_0,obb[1])
      E_deriv_1 = Energy_deriv(x_1,obb[1])
      if E_deriv_0 * E_deriv_1 > 0 and E_0 * E_1 < 0:
         x_zero_test = scipy.optimize.bisect(Energy,x_0,x_1,args=(L,E_zero))
         if  Energy_deriv(x_zero_test,obb[1]) > Zero: 
            collision = True
            x_zero = x_zero_test
      elif E_deriv_0 * E_deriv_1 < 0 and min(E_0, E_1) < 0:
         x_max = scipy.optimize.bisect \
         E_max = Energy(x_max,L,E_zero)
         if E_max > 0 and E_0 < 0:
            x_zero_test = scipy.optimize.bisect \
            if  Energy_deriv(x_zero_test,obb[1]) > Zero: 
               collision = True
               x_zero = x_zero_test
         elif E_max > 0 and E_0 > 0:
            x_zero_test = scipy.optimize.bisect \
            if Energy_deriv(x_zero_test,obb[1]) > Zero: 
               collision = True
               x_zero = x_zero_test
   return x_zero, collision, obb[1]
#=========================== main program starts here =========================================
Event_eps = 1.e-12 # disallow events within too close bounds.
Zero = 0.0
One = 1.0
Two = 2.0
box = 4.0
sigma = 1.0
N = 4
N_step = 1000000
E_zero = 0.9
data = []
continuous = False
while True:
   L = [(uniform(0.,box),uniform(0.,box)) for k in range(N)]
   a = choice(L)
   L = translate(L,a)
   Energy_level_initial = Energy(Zero,L,0)
   L += [(Zero,Zero)]
   if Energy_level_initial == int(E_zero*N_step): break
Energy_level = Energy_level_initial
rot = 1
ltilde = 3.0/float(N_step)
for iter in xrange(200000):
   if iter%1000 ==0: print iter, 'iter'
   if randint(0,1) < 1: L,rot = Flip_conf(L,rot)
   Zero_distance_to_go = ltilde
   next_particle = choice(L)
#  this iteration will be used up when the Zero_distance_to_go falls to zero
   while Zero_distance_to_go > Zero:
      Total_distance_to_go = min(box/2,box/2-sigma)*.3971
      L = translate(L,next_particle)
      Current_position = Zero
      while min(Total_distance_to_go,Zero_distance_to_go) > Zero:
         if Energy_level < int(N_step*E_zero - 6): 
            L = translate(L,(Current_position,Zero))
            Current_position = Zero
            continuous = True
            x_zero, collision, L_part = next_event_continuous(L,Total_distance_to_go,E_zero-6./N_step)
            Current_position = x_zero
            Total_distance_to_go -= x_zero
            continuous = False
            Energy_level = Energy(Current_position,L,0)
#        this single-particle loop leads to either:
#         1. A particle collision
#         2. Zero_distance_to_go = 0
#         3. Total_distance_to_go = 0
         next_position,next_energy_level,next_particle = next_event_stepped(Current_position,L)
         distance_to_next_event = next_position - Current_position
         if Energy_level < Energy_level_initial:
            if Total_distance_to_go < distance_to_next_event:
               Current_position += Total_distance_to_go
               next_particle = (Current_position,Zero)
            else: # go to event, but energy will not be too high: remain in loop of one particle...
               Current_position += distance_to_next_event
               Energy_level += next_energy_level
               Total_distance_to_go -= distance_to_next_event
         else: # Energy_level == Energy_level_intial
            min_dist= min(Total_distance_to_go, Zero_distance_to_go)
            if min_dist  < distance_to_next_event:
               Current_position += min_dist
               Total_distance_to_go -= min_dist
               Zero_distance_to_go -= min_dist
               next_particle = (Current_position,Zero)
               break  # Tdtg or Zdtg are zero, but next particle is old one
#           New event.
               Current_position += distance_to_next_event
               Total_distance_to_go -= distance_to_next_event
               Zero_distance_to_go -= distance_to_next_event
               if next_energy_level < 0: # new event, but energy not too high, remain in inner loop
                  Energy_level += next_energy_level
               else: # exit one-particle loop: use the next particle as given in the list... 
pylab.title("Event_stepped ltilde= "+str(ltilde)+" N= "+str(N)+" Energy = "+str(Energy_level))
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